Monday, November 28, 2011

Is It My Turn?

Hola, amigos!

I'm kinda pooped out from blogging, but it's definitely my turn to post on here, so I have to, before December comes.

The reason I'm all pooped out? Could it be because of an all-November-long blogging spree on my blog? That might be it! 

Every day for the past month I've been writing a blog post, long or short, funny or sad, on my blog! (I'll give the link at the end of this post)

Anyway, so, my life has been moving along speedily since I spoke to you last! I can't believe there are only five more weeks until my school semester ends. FIVE weeks! It feels as if I've only BEEN in school for five weeks!

To quickly catch you up on all I've been doing, I shall throw my last several months into one paragraph, and here I go:

Grade 10 is sucky, the only reason I semi-enjoy school is because of my friends. I've decided to go on a German exchange next year, and getting everything planned out for it has been weird. I started taking drum lessons, and I now own a drum set, accordion, egg-shaker and a tambourine. I got a new bed, and had to re-arrange my entire bedroom to make room for the new thing. I have found out about a lot of things that I won't share here, but are extremely important. I've been to several concerts, which have all been amazing, I got my learner's licence, et cetera, et cetera. 

Of course, none of that stuff seems all-that-important, but to me, all of that is a big-stinkin'-deal. 

Oh yeah! I promised I'd share the link to my blog, so here it is:

And, that's about all I have to say for today. I'm sorry that I didn't have much of a story! I just wanted to get everyone caught-up on my life! Next time, I promise, I'll have a funny story for you!


Monday, November 07, 2011


Alright! Hi everyone! It is Monkey! And in recent news. It has snowed....durg..
Bear and Cat....both really like the snow....I don't. Not one bit. At ALL. It's cold and wet, and makes everything else, cold and wet. And it stays FOREVER. Five or six months....half a year...half my life is spent in frigid cold, minus 40 below. Not even closing least not till minus 50 cause that's when it gets TO cold.....I hate snow SO much.
I was born to be in the warm, I have australian blood meant for the ocean and sun! Not for clouds and white snow....

Other news! My computer ALMOST crashed on of a dang scanner that mum monkey asked me to use to scan pictures which are all in negatives onto my I installed it...and it almost crashed me, mostly because I have almost no space left on my computer and because I might have installed the wrong Bit.

Then my brother....dunno what to call 'bout...Howler..cause at times he screams like one.
He's....12 acts like he 17....complete and utter jerk, can't seem to realize that there are people in this world who care about things other then COD and MineCraft.....annoys me everyday, also, he's adopted this habit of when I ask to use the PS3 for ONE night so I can have a couple friends over and we can play...I get sworn at...for five minutes...I couldn't get a word in otherwise.
Got almost boiling water spilt on my hand and I don't understand math....making my day all that much better....

I had a great day till I got home! Hung out with a amazing book, got a camera for the night! All wonderful! But that was until I got home, had to shovel...okay, fine... don't mind that, I got an ipod I can listen to music. So finished that, I decide to go do something I've been meaning to do for years...scan these pictures...and it crashes my computer....days, go downhill from there....

Let's see how the rest of the week goes, shall we? If this Monday is anything to go by...I'm really no looking forward to it....See y'all later! Monkey~ Out!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Autumn, Music and Awesome-ness.

You know what the best part about autumn is? Everything. I mean it; the leaves changing colour, Halloween coming up, and my birthday! Although, my most favorite part of fall is the sense that the extreme hot days of summer is over. The feel of it, mainly. Like... Go outside. Right now. Go to your nearest window and peek outside. Better yet, open your door and step into your front lawn. You'll get to feel the semi-cool breeze blowing around you, and the view of the red- and orange-leaves on the trees. I just love it.
And you know what makes this feel any better? Going to a concert.
That's true, people! Myself, bear, and monkey all went to a concert last night! After I had a rushed moment of picking them up directly after I had left my piano lessons, we were on the road and to the show. Arriving just as the doors opened (If not earlier), we not-so-quickly found our seats. The first group came onto stage. Throughout the entire concert, we headed up the stairs, to continue our curious looking's' of the merchandise, and to retrieve the  autograph's of these bands that we had heard and fell in love with.
Somewhat near the beginning of the concert, I had boughten a Tshirt from the band To Tell! Which, I used to get the autographs of the many bands and singers there. Unfortunatly, this brought anger to the band of Manic Drive, whom had been trying to get my attention to buy one of their tshirts.
But do you know what this means? Because I had gotten them to sign this new shirt, their very fingers had touched me. And now that I read that over, it sounds somewhat strange, but it's true! They used their fingers to steady the shirt that I was wearing. ALSO. The Newsboys were there. Ohmygosh. It was amazing. You would not believe how estatic I was last night! Ohmygosh. I still have that after-concert excitment buzzing through my head.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

School and 9/11

Hello gang, Bear's back!

So, I've had a lovely time since my last post. For instance, I went to Orlando, I met up with my friends a million times, and school started! But on the other hand, I've had a terrible time since my last post. For example, my brother's attitude is getting worse and worse, and I swear he's going to kill me some day, the food I've been able to eat is dwindling down drastically, and school has started.

School. School, school, school, school, school. At the same time, I hate and love it. I hate it because I have no more free time to faff about all day, and because I have so much homework, and because the classes are difficult, et cetera. But then again, I love it because it gives me something to do each day, and because I get to see my friends.

My friends are beautiful, wonderful people. It's such a shame that several of them go to a different school…

Anywho, today is the anniversary for the famous 9/11. You know that, obviously, but it needs to be said by me. I don't honestly know much about the incident, but I know the basics. The entire world will be grieving today, and even though 9/11 has never meant too much to me, it will still affect me. It's not like 9/11 isn't close to my heart, it's just that I don't remember much about it. 

I don't recall what I was doing when it happened, or how I felt about it once I found out, but I had been five years old. 

Well, all I have to say is that I hope that people will get along today, and that the world can come together and be on the same side for one day. 

R.I.P those who died on this day, ten years ago.

Friday, September 02, 2011

What a summer...and upcoming school year! Woo!

Y'all! It's Monkey~ and Now time to talk :D ....Maybe it's just the fact that I'm back at school and seeing my friends for like, six hours a day...or just overtiredness, but today...and yesterday....I was extremely hyper. Ohmygosh, it was fun~ I still am actually but for the last like twenty minutes I've been dancing to a song called 'Love & Joy' By Miku Hatsune from Vocaloid, here's the song and dance!
Now if you watched that, and tried to follow the me you'd be tired! Ahh :D

But on a better note, actually that was pretty good up there, but on ANOTHER note~ I have classes with all my friends! It's amazing! A math class with Bear, which I did not have before I switched out of a differant class to take art. Two classes with Cat, English and Science. Then Photography and Art with another friend of mine, Bear's and Cat's....Oh it's been a good week, let me say that now...:D

I've joined YearBook as well! I'm going to be busy! Trying to start an Anime Club with Bear at the moment, all we need is a teacher and we'll be good to go!

Okay, had anyone ever heard of the book 'Feed'? It is such a weird book! I'm only eight pages in, but guys! It's about space, alright? But they, first sentence talk about a party on the moon and how their life revovles around a Feed that puts out all thoughts? I dunno if I'll like this one, but I have to read it for a Novel Study project for English....blahh.....but I got a book by Scott Westerfield called Midnighters! I didn't know he had one out like that! I love his work!
Peeps, So Yesterday, Uglies, Pretties, Extras and Specials....I'm a book fanatic :D I was listening to a Brian Jaques memorial radio show broadcast today online....I'm so sad he's gone, doesn't seem seems like sometime next year I'll be waiting for another Redwall book to be released for me to read, and love.....How can it be real?

Meh...on a happier note this time, I WANT TO COSPLAY....Ohmygosh...the need is so bad! I need to get a waistcoat too....and I need to cut my the moment it's to long :/ it sucks...But something is coming up soon with cosplaying!! Me and Bear are excited! Cat might even be coming! IT'll be a first, that's for sure!

OHMYGOSH.....all this already and I've forgotten to mention about my expireance at camp! D: Well! For the last two weeks of Summer I was at a camp on a lake~ I won't say which or where, for you good luck with that...but I shall say it was a bible was utterly amazing, I learned things about myself that I didn't know before...I found my stamina, my endurance physically and mentally...and I just realized things like god is needed in my life.....
I miss camp, it was such an amazing atmosphere, and such a happy group....I can't wait for next year....I'll be there helping out and cleaning toilets again! You can be sure of that!

Signing off it's Monkey saying see you~ Till next time!

Monday, August 29, 2011

It's only the first day of school!

First day of school! You know that feeling, (Or at least I hope you do.) getting the rush of seeing all of your friends that you haven't seen for an entirety of two months, starting out with a clean backpack, and an organized binder. You get new classes, new schedual, and different teachers. First day of school is great.
Summer has just ended for us (Bear, Cat, and Monkey) and we are off to get a new year of education! It all starts out with waking up in the morning, exceptionally early, and dragging ourselves to school extremely tired.
My days as a free-flying cat during the summer doing whatever I wanted, is now over. I've got to do the usual: Homework, music, and more homework. Of course, that hasn't started yet, as it has only been the first day of school. But my endless days of playin' music, painting and full days of watching movies have ended! Somewhat, acutally.
And no, I have not written a lot right here. Unfortunatly, I am not in the mood of writting at the moment, but I have been pressured for over a month to blog again.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm Here, I'm Ready, I'm… Armed With One Drum Stick?

     Hello gang! It's Bear here. I'm listening to Leon Thomas, working on a story with Cat, and slowly working my way down my To-Do list. I am TOTALLY ready to post on here!
     I don't have much of a story to tell here today, other than Monkey's birthday. Which was two days ago! Everyone, post your belated birthday wishes under this post! I'll make sure she sees them!
     Yeah, so we went to see the last Harry Potter movie, which came out on her birthday. It was great, if I must say. I promise not to tell any spoilers, but they didn't put my favourite part in… 
     I still cried. It was sad.
     Ooh! Also, I spent the last week and a half at my sisters acreage! It's out in the country, and it's not totally finished yet. During the week I was there, they got their countertops and water working. They don't even have power yet. They're relying on a big, red generator to light their house and work their toilets. 
     I didn't mind much. I still got to see my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. My nephew, Chase (known as Cub on here) can talk now! He's no pro, I must admit, but his vocabulary includes the words: Mama, Daddy, Kate, Copper, garbage, let's go, no, baby, and sh*t. Yeah, I think he learned the last word from his grandma. Not my mom, my brother-in-law's. My brother, his parents and Cub's Oma (my mom) think it's pretty funny. I can't say I'm too impressed.
     Anywho, since we didn't have showers, or much food there (and not a good way of cooking it), we spent a lot of time at my brother-in-law's parents place. It was nice, but they had eight dogs, plus my sister's two. Ten dogs around the place. Luckily only two were allowed inside. I don't like dogs…
     Trudy, my brother-in-law's mom, had almost all of the Rock Bands. I think the only ones she was missing was Green Day, Track-Pack 1, and Metallica. Needless to say, we played a lot of Rock Band there. I found out that Rock Band 3 was out! Did you know that? I've already got the hang of the keyboard, and I'm pretty awesome at drums, if I do say so myself. Me and a friend are going downtown this week. I'm planning on buying the third Rock Band.
     While playing the game, Cub, who's almost seventeen months, decided he wanted to try the drums. I was in the middle of a Hard song when he clawed and pinched his way onto my lap. At first, he sat there contently, giggling as my one leg bounced up and down to hit the pedal notes. Then he reached out and grabbed my left hand and pulled the drum stick from my grasp. For a baby, he's pretty strong, and he REALLY wanted that stick!
     I was reduced to playing with one stick, and my hand. It was funny, for Trudy, my brother Wayne, and sister Christina. For me, it was a challenge. Cub was swinging the stick back and forth in front of my face. I was hit full-force two or three times. After the song was over, I still had gotten a wonking 93%.
     So, I have no other stories to tell, except for boring ones. I guess that means this post is almost over! Now that I've finished this, I've still got five other things to finished on my To-Do list. Can't wait to write here again! Until next time, 

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Well hi all! This is Monkey~ It'summer break for the Three Essential Animals and to tell you the truth.....I find it boring ^^; I have nothing to do....well I run in the that's a lie...I've been getting up at noon and running around one ish. Other then that though, I'm just like sitting on my computer waiting for something magical to happen! D:

I think that once my birthday hits I'll have stuff to do as, I'll be getting a Ps2 soon, and I have Ps3 games to finish and there the fact that I also have drawing and cosplay stuff that I really want to do....actually yeah you know what, I have a lot of stuff to do just at the moment it seems like nothing :D

xD I'm just blathering on and on about nothing that really matters! Arg D: Though that's what a blog is though...right? Just talking about stuff....Oh gosh...I sound SO incredibly bored...-__- actually! Wanna hear the beginning of a story that I started a while ago? It's about a pirate! I'll put the first page on here ^__^

              Tell me something, do you know what it’s like to see the people you care about tied up in ropes? No chance to escape. It’s a bit mind shaking, to say the least. To see them taken away by the law that you once trusted? To have all the things you thought were truth turn out to be a lie?
                You cannot say you know how that is. You have not witnessed your parents taken captive in the middle of the night, in your house by the law that you once followed. To find out that your parents were giving information to the pirates that travelled near. Close enough to start an attack at any time.
                Does it make you happy to know that now I am alone? My parents gone. No family….at least any that will speak to me.  I’m trapped by memories, working every day in and out, trying to make a life for myself. I now realize why my parents turned to treachery, to speak to the pirates is a capital offence, but they gave them information, and would have even helped them invade the village. It was so hard to make a life here. So hard to earn money, maybe that’s why they betrayed their land?
                I was sitting on my front lawn, not wanting to go inside and be plagued by memories.  Then a man appeared down the road, I just assumed he was calling on someone, maybe the cooks that lived near, or even the village elders, but oh how wrong I was. He continued to walk until this man was right in front of me.  Looking up at him I took in his attire, white button up shirt, first few buttons loose, leather belt over the shirt, then baggy pants, boots. A sword hung from his belt. Something on his neck caught my eye, a tattoo, of fire with a ring around it, the insignia of a pirate.
                Scrabbling to my feet, I tried to run but my feet were caught on a root, tripping backwards. I readied myself to hit the ground, eyes closed, hands and arms in. Then I just, stopped.  Slowly opening one eye I looked, it was that man.
                “Watch out there, little lady. Don’t want yah’ hurting yourself already, now do we?”  He spoke with a tongue that seemed foreign, but was not, it was my mother language just spoke with a more southern language…
                “W-who are you?” I stumbled over the first word, cursing myself I stood up. Facing him I got a better look at his face, he had emerald green eyes, beneath the pointed pirate hat, with a feather on top, lay brown hair; it was on the longer side and wavy. He seemed to be in his mid twenties, while in his right ear he had three earrings and in his left was two. Lower on his neck was the pirate tattoo. Flames with a ring around them, both were silhouettes. That tattoo was something that every child was taught when they were small. Only pirates who had been caught at least one had it burned into their skin, if you saw them you would know that they got away. They were terrible people was what children were told.
                “Well, little lady I am Nikolo Latarsi- though most call me just Nik- At your service. “ He bowed, sweeping his hat off in a single motion.
                “W-What are you doing here!? Pirates are not wanted.” I said, my voice even scared me. He just smiled at me.
                “Well, I only came to get you, my fair lady. Your ma and pa told me that when they were captured you were to come with me, aboard my ship.” 

Tell me what you think my friends?? It's not so much as edited but I'm getting there! xD 
Okay~ Well I'm deciding to end this here! Bye byee! Thanks for reading and comment and tell us what you think!


Sunday, June 05, 2011

Wanna hear a story?

I'm gunna tell you a short story.

Imagine that you are a young girl walking through the massive park in New York. It’s late, eleven at night. The birds are quiet, but the streets are crowded with people and cars. But the noise is distant, as you are far away from any of it. It’s a calm night, the stars are shining and the moon casting shadows around you.
Mom sent you to go pick up some milk from the store, and you decided to take a quick shortcut through the park. Yeah sure, it’s long, but it cuts at least ten minutes off of your journey. The jingle of your change sounds from your pocket, slicing through the quiet night air. There’s no one around you. You’ve got nothing to worry about, not a care in sight.
But all of a sudden, you hear a patter of shoes, slapping down on the concrete. Glancing behind your shoulder, you see a night jogger, dressed in black. You move to the side of the wide pavement you are moving along, to let him pass by. The even beats get closer, and closer, and they are just about ready to pass you, when excrutiating pain explodes in the back of your head, and you fall forward, scraping your hands and knees on the cement. The milk container you were carrying explodes on impact with the ground, spraying everywhere. The trickle of blood down the back of your neck is warm, but same with the hand that wrenchs you up, pulling on your hair, hard. A scream rips through your body, starting small from your lungs, but building more power as it climbs through your throat and escapes your lips.
You catch his face. From his massive height, he has hard features. Blue eyes, freshly shaved face. Take a mental picture. He sees you hesitating before doing anything, and swipes his hand across your right eye. It stings, and throws your head back at a sickening speed.
The anger inside of you has finally caught on. You feel the heat of it, surging through your veins. Something inside of you snaps, and you push his hands off of your shoulders, taking a step back. He lunges at you, trying to get you in his grasp again. His plan backfires, when you throw your hand up with momentum and catch his nose in your path. It instantly starts gushing blood.
He wipes the lower half of his face with his sleeve, growling through his teeth. You click open a small pocketknife you carry with you, holding it behind your leg, just out of sight from your attacker.
You sniffle, and take a step back. You feel as though you were too close to him, and space out, giving you an extra second to prepare yourself as he closes in. He charges, his hands reach out in a bloodthirsty motion. He pulls on either side of your head, just as you drive your knife into the depths of his stomach.
Blood sputters from his mouth. He lets you go, and falls to the cold ground.
Stunned, you back away. You drop the knife, and turn, running away as fast as you can. The police would understand, right? Wasn’t it an act of defense? He attacked you, he was the villian. They would understand, wouldn’t they?

This, is what happened to me a few days ago. Of course, not giving away my current location, it didn’t actually happen in New York. I was minding my own business, and all of a sudden, a jogger came up behind me and attacked me. I struck him with my knife. He didn’t die. But, he is currently in the hospital under heavy security, and will be charged for assult. I am fine, and the police did understand, and I am just under some pshycology for the horrendous event.
Now, I know what you all feel like. ‘Ohmygosh, I feel so sorry for her!’. If you aren’t, then good for you, because I’m totally kidding. This didn’t actually happen. As you all calm down, I’ll explain what really happened.
I was going to school one morning, and I happened to be a longboarder. See, I have been longboarding for over a year now, but I only recently got my own longboard, so I’ve been riding it to school. Not even a block away from my house, I hit a stick and catupulted forward. I had moved over previously, as I was being furiously honked at by a truck behind me, so I was a mere couple of feet away from the parked cars. In mid-air, I realized that I was too close to the cars. I faceplanted straight into the back of a truck, fell onto the ground and scraped my hands and knees.
You know when you completely make a fool out of yourself, and you wish no one saw it? Well, that’s what I felt like right there. But, unfortunatly for me, this incident happened near a house with a moving truck parked in it’s drive-way. The driver had just removed himself from the vehicle…. to see me wipe out. I wanted to crawl under a house when he asked me ‘Are you alright?’ Well, judging from the blood smeared on my face and gravel indented into my skin, no, I wasn’t. But I gave him a ‘thumbs-up’ sign, just to make him go away.

That’s the real story. To those of your who are mad at me because I lied to you, I am truly sorry. Forvige me?


Monday, May 30, 2011

YC in Edmonton

Hello amigos! I'm back! Sorry for not posting for a long time, but we had some problems with Monkey's last post. Blogger deleted it, and we couldn't get it back. I was waiting for her to repost, but she is sure taking her dang time with it, so I'm just gunna post! (Love you, Mon-Mon!)

I've been in Edmonton, these past few days, as you can guess from the title. I'm pretty sure I've told you about YC before, but if I haven't, it is a Youth Conference that they hold once a year. This is the first year I've gone, and it was LIFE CHANGING!

I'm sorry if you're not a Christian, and I know that I promised not to talk about my beliefs too much (I promise I won't try to stuff my beliefs down your throat!) But this is actually important, and I think that even if you aren't a Christian, or even if you don't belief in God, you should read on. 

This weekend made me realize just how lucky I actually am. I mean, I've known it before; I have friends,  a good family, no money problems, a nice house, all that, but I always thought there was SOMETHING wrong. 

I have stomach ulcers and IBS, also, I'm Lactose Intolerant and I'm allergic to several different types of food, so obviously, I thought "Man, my life is hard". But there were people there who had it worse, a lot worse.

There was a girl sharing my hotel room, who's best friend had been murdered last year. Her parents judged her and pushed her to do great in school, even though she had recently been diagnosed with several learning disorders such as Dyslexia, ADD and OCD. Her family had barely any money, and they could only afford one meal per day.

That girl's good friend who was also there was picked on at school because she was different and lonely. Her parents were divorced, and she was afraid of meeting new people, because they could hurt and judge her.

A girl in the next room over had spent this last year cutting and hating herself. She tried smoking and pot, and drugs to get away from her life. All these girls had thought about suicide, and were tired of their lives.

Guys, this was just three people out of thirteen-THOUSAND! And I thought day-to-day stomach pains were hard! I can't imagine what it would be like to be them… The point I'm trying to get across is that life is so much more. Those girls were happy. Get that! They were cheering, laughing, talking, they were excited because they had someone to worship and loving people around them.

I think they're role-models, even if they do break down and cry every now and again.

Okay, sorry that I've been so serious lately. All my posts have just been boring and dull. I promise to try 'n be funny in the future!

On another ending note, I made direct eye-contact with a celebrity! Yeah, I know you're jealous! Jason Dunn from Hawk Nelson looked me in the eyes! *sigh* I should've gotten his autograph!

P.S Me and Cat went to the West Edmonton Mall, and I was attacked by books, hung out on a pirate ship, saw people I actually knew, and had a party in a hat store! Yep. Good weekend indeed!

Okay, I'll stop talking now. Bear out!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

New Yawk, New Yawk!

Ohmygosh! What a exciting week! Well all, there was a monkey in New York last week, did you check the news? xD Just jokes, no monkey, but yeah I went to New York! It was so amazing

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


If you've read the title of this blog, you will find that there is a fact that I have nothing to talk about. But I have been pressurd (Not really) by bear and monkey, so I am here today with my post.
Now, I had this title that popped into my mind completely randomly, and so I've decided to call it this. But, I was going to use it for something completely different. I remembered I had a short story called 'Nothing' and it was about a girl who couldn't remember anything at the moment. I only had about a paragraph or so already written, so I pulled it up and re-read it!
None of you know this, but when I have a project on the go, I always like to finish it. This one, for example, I did not. So I was assamed of myself, and started writting again. I fixed the spelling mistakes, and added a little more. I'll add it on here, just for you guys!

' Her head is filled with nothing. No ideas, thoughts, nothing. Entirely empty. This couldn’t have been the first time it’s been like this. Not with her talkative mouth and never ending ideas. Couldn’t possibly be the first. It must have happened before, but she can’t remember. Not with an empty mind like this.
Her computer sits on her lap, staring back at her with a blank screen. It’s forgetful too. It doesn’t remember what it’s supposed to do, just like she can’t. The crazed idea that put her on her computer has disappeared, nothing remains.
Her pale fingers hover over the keys, waiting for a command. Nothing comes. The idea was there, a great idea. It’s never like this in school. The ideas come into her head faster than they can come out of her mouth. Faster than her hand can scribble them down on a blank paper.
Her eyes scan the room she sits in. White walls, empty. White floor, cold and hard. It resembles her mind. Blank, white and empty.'

That's all I've got so far, and I can tell it's not too much, but I hope any  one person out there enjoys it.
I've run out of things to talk about. Although even before, I had 'nothing' to talk about. He he, get it? Just joking, its not that great of a pun!
I guess I'll resort to the thunderstorm. We had a thundershower moments ago, and I think I am in heaven! I've been waiting for months for this to happen, and I was downstairs for most of the time. I should have gone dancing in the rain! With my rubber boots and rainjacket!
I've got to go finish my supper making skills, so I will be back with another post later! It may be a while 'til you hear from me again.
[I'm from the Three Essential Animals,
This is Tabby, signing out.]

PS. Also, I realized that I don't like the font that I am writing in, so I am going to change it. It'll be different from what Monkey and Bear are writing in , I believe.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Less Than Perfect

None of us are perfect.

'Kay, I know you've all heard that one before. But it's true. We may ACT like it, because we're just humans. What in the world do we know? We get caught up so easily by something as little as a feeling. We can never see the whole picture. Up close, everything looks blurred. Like a maze, ya know? Like we'll never find our way out.

But it's not actually like that. We may be unable to see the whole picture, but that doesn't mean it's not there. We all need to learn to take things one at a time. Yeah, and I know you've heard that one as well. Why is it that the best quotes and sayings are the ones repeated so often they sound fake? It's stupid, because they are always the most-true ones. The ones that say "Somebody else has lived through it. They must've, to say something like that."

There will ALWAYS be somebody else who's lived through the same thing as you. Unless you're some Galactic Warrior who fights aliens for a pass-time (there goes my attempt at seriousness). But really, seek out help. You're NOT alone, even if it feels like it. Even if you're shy, even if the situation is insanely personal, talk to someone. Doesn't matter if you tell them what it's about. Just talk. Hey, you can even send me a message, I'd love to help you. (Although I must warn you, I SUCK at making people feel better!) But if all you need is somewhere to rant. Try me. You don't even need to tell me your name!

We try. As humans, we really do. We grab for something way outside of our reach, we eat things we know will taste bad, we even try making big blog posts to try to express our feelings (Hah, Fail Point for me!). "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." Take that to heart. Know that people out there love you, even if they won't out-right say it. And just take one thing at a time.

This is for you, Bouncy-chan.

Friday, April 01, 2011

The world in a minute?

Haha! Hello all, it's Monkey here! Well what to talk about today? Sorry about not posting for awhile. I just didn't really know what to say O__o Well I still don't actually, but I did find out about a few things! I found out that I definately love my mum, and will miss her when she goes on vacation D:
That I love Architecture, I want to be an Architect when I'm older. I love designing things on Sims 3 so I might just download Google Sketchup! It's a program where you can create your own objects, from coffee makers to skyscrapers. Quite a variety eh? Oh gosh, now I'm going all Canadian again! Eh? Eh? Eh? Erg!

Anyways!! Has anybody ever heard of the book series 'Leviathan' by Scott Westerfield?? Well wonderful book! The second is out and it's called 'Behemoth'  but the third doesn't come out till September, so that sucks D:

Well Just 10 minutes ago I heard about a plane crash in Saskatoon, that's scary! It killed one person and one is injured. But it didn't hit any cars just ran into a building, near a grocery store I think.

On a happier note! I recently got started on the Percy Jackson series! Awesome series by the way if you love Greek Gods. I still love Poseidon <3 My heart belongs in the water by far. What can I say I'm a swimmer! Woah a Monkey who's a swimmer that was a odd mental picture O__o well yeah swimming is my thing and not Cat's or Bear's there's is reading and writing....well that's me as well but yeah. I love swimming, reading and writing. It's my life, most definitely!

Well I've kind of ran out of things to talk I'll see you all in a few. Thanks for checking out Bear's, Cat's and mine blog! This is Monkey from the Three Essential Animals signing out!
Comment and leave a question or just something to say, we'd love to hear from you! :D

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cat in the Hat

Funny title up there. I have to congradulate that person who thought of it. Oh wait, that's me! ..A little voice in my head is telling me to actually congradulate the actual person who thought of it. Oh well, I'll do that later. Now, I really wish I had something to talk about, but honestly, I don't really. So, I'll talk about my life.
First thing on my list is my computer. Now, this may seem like I'm going on for hours, but really, I have a point to this story. I recieved a genorous gift from the computer gods. Wanna know what it was? A virus. Just what I wanted for St.Patricks day. So, this virus is making my computer all glitchy, and even at the moment, I am struggling with the stupidness of viruses.
Also, on a plus side, I was playing Spider Solitaire. Being bored like I always am, I decided to use the 'Help' feature on my version. In a matter of seconds, I had lost. So, I went back, fixed all the mistakes, and won. Looks who's smarter than the average computer :)

Look at this. Isn't it cute? Yes. It looks like Im picking up myself. It speaks of myself though. My person self loves cats. Bt my cat self hate's to be picked up.

Well, That's all I really have at the moment. I need something to talk about next time. So, adios, amicos!
PS. I am a multilingual cat.

~Tabby {Three Essential Animals}

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Can Bears Get Baptized?

Hello everybody! It's me, Bear again! You'll never guess what I did today!! Well, if you're a smart cookie, you might've figured it out from the title! But anyway, I was baptized!

I know! Crazy, right?! Well, it was amazing! I had to speak in front of a TON of people, but it was all worth it! After I finished my speech, my pastor was like "We've got a pastor in the making!"

Haha, it was great! I was baptized with three other guys (all older then me), in a tank at my church. The water was so warm! But it was blowing out cold water near my feet.

After the service, me and the boys (Colby, Dylan and John) all had to stand around and shake hands. I swear, I shook about a hundred people's hands, and said thank you about a million times! (that's a hyperbole. I didn't ACTUALLY say it a million times, but it sure FELT like it!)

This is me before I was dunked, but after my speech:

And this is me, coming up out of the water:

Sorry the pictures are so blurry. My dad had to zoom in a lot, and it was dark… But I guess it does keep my identity a secret! I feel like Clark Kent, with this alias!

Well anyway, great morning, but then my family had to damper my mood by deciding to go out for lunch at a place where I can't eat anything… But nothing can make me forget this morning! I also wanna thank Cat and Monkey for coming to see me too!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Excited, happy, sick, sleepy, awesome

Well yes! It's Monkey right now! The title explains exactly how I feel! >.< Except for the awesome part, I just put that there cause it's obvious. I'm more awesome then Cat :D

But excited is true! I can't wait for April! I get to go to New York! I have been emailing my penpals for the past week! Two girls I'm pretty sure, and they sound awesome! Both are into anime, drawing, and manga. They co-run an anime club ^___^

I'm also getting another penpal from a private school in New York! But haven't got an email from them yet, unfortunately!

Bear and Cat are being mean! When I said I'd be with Cat in spirit cause she had a competition on while I was in New York. Bear said it was corny! I don't think it is!! Well I shall be with her in spirit whatever Bear says! I beat her up the next day though ;)

On to more exciting news! Well....oh dang I don't have much more exciting, 'cept on March 30 & 31 I'm going on an Urban Trek with my class around the city. I think it'll be fun! I get to go around the city, and spend the night sleeping in one of the ballrooms of a big hotel in my city! I'm excited :3

Welll No idea what else to say...durppp.....Except! Me and Bear might be starting an anime club for next year! I'm so excited all we need is a teacher supervisor then it's all good!!! AHh!! Yay!

Welll now I'm gonna go, byee byee Monkey is signing out!! :D

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Music, Height and The Universe

Sleepless nights plus music do not mix well with cats. This includes myself, because I get really excited when I'm listening to music and have had no sleep whatsoever. So, I've decided that I am going to introduce you to my dear musical self that you are reading at the moment. Imagine that you are sitting in a comfortable seat, surrounded by screaming people. Your holding a video camera in your hand, trained on the stage, waiting, as the lights dim....people quite down and sit... and all of a sudden, the music blares out of the speakers. Never Shout Never walks onto the stage, and you're crazed, because you get to meet them, thanks to your backstage passes.
Don't know who they are? Go buy some tickets to their next concert. I'm just joking, that's a stupid idea. Because you know what's even easier? Go to Youtube! The best place on the internet! Search them up, and look for "On The Brightside". You will not be disappointed. I am not at all. :)
Now, over my little music speil, I honestly have no idea what to write about. I have an idea! I'm listening to that song again (Yes, I really like this song) and it's talking about height. Now, anyone who really knows me would know that I am short. Pretty short. Now overly short, but short enough that I cannot see into the top shelf of my school locker. So, you get to here me complain about my height.
I've decided I am not 5"2. I am going to be six feet tall, exact. I am going to be a super, tall person, and I will be able to tower over everyone! No one can stop me now from taking over the world! Yes, for those of you wondering, I am going to take over the world. I will be the ruler of the universe, and maybe, JUST maybe, if you behave, then nothing bad will happen to you.
Seriously, I need something to talk about. I'm going to ramble on about music, height and the universe, then I really need a topic idea for these posts. Anyone? I guess that I could get a little more sleep, that might help. But probably only a tiny bit. So, got an idea? Leave a comment on any post, and we'd be thankful!

~Tabby [Three Essential Animals]

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Bear's List Of Super-Awesome Things To Write About


I've been waiting since Sunday for Monkey to post! I feel like I haven't ranted in WEEKS!!

Okay, so I've got plenty of things to talk about! But as I logged onto Blogger, I forgot about half of them!

I'll start with the most pressing matter.

I've realized that my last few posts are about things I've done. Or things I've broken. It's come to my attention that you all are probably getting the impression that I'm clumsy! I'd like to inform you that I am NOT!

I've never been clumsy! Except for these last few weeks…

Ooh, also! My computer is saved! It's such a steady little trouper! I had a fan on it for a few days, and when me and my dad tried it out, it worked fine! It does get tired more quickly, and loads very slowly, but at least it still works! I managed to back up all my music and documents, so I'm pretty happy now! 

Hmm, what else is there to say?

Well, my sister is coming (with my nephew and possibly my brother-in-law) within the next ten days (according to my mother)! I'm very excited! I can't wait to see my little nephew--cough, cough, Cub, cough-- open his presents! Apparently he can walk now! It'll be great!

Also, I mentioned my mother in the last few sentences. (Not sure if you noticed or not), well I'd like to give a shout-out to her today! She reads this blog sometimes, and I hope she reads this particular post! I wanna say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful mother! She's always there for me, and always listens when I complain or ramble to much! She's a great person :D I wish you all knew her!

Running out of things to say now!

Let's see, last thing on my list is YC 2011!

It's a conference in Edmonton that me and Cat are going to! There will be 24 bands/speakers/performers coming to talk/sing about Jesus Christ! I'm SOOO excited! Some of my favourite Christian bands are coming! The ones I really like are Superchick, Hawk Nelson, Switchfoot, etc, etc. I only wish Relient K, Thousand Foot Krutch and Lifehouse were going…

Anyway, I'm about out of things to say now…

Okay, in the next few days, I might put up the conversation me, Monkey and Cat had when we were deciding our animal alias's! If you're interested in reading that, comment below! I'd like to know what you all think about that!

UPDATE: Okay, in my last few posts, I talked about being "depressed". Please don't take that the wrong way! I'm not actually sitting in dark corners, writing scary poetry, thinking about suicide and doing other depression side effects! When I say "depressed", know that I mean vaguely sad. In my "depression" states, even minor things like a good song will cheer me up. Unless I officially state otherwise, I AM NOT DEPRESSED.

I have no life.

Well , yeah...I have no life....:)

I have decided this by well....if I have time to write a short story that is 42 pages long, then that should be proof enough.

I also have the time to play Final Fantasy 13 for six hours.....
And to read for three hours without doing anything.....

I just realized how much no life I actually have...

It took me about two days to do this post...just saying, you should be happy. I sent this much time thinking of what to say....wait no, I'm just a really really really bad procrastinator.

I'm 17 hours into Final Fantasy!! Woot! Awesome game by the way :3
Now I am talking to Cat via video chat and another of our friends :3

Ever heard of Skype? Amazing program, so much fun to talk on video with friends!
Though Bear refuses to get it! D:

I just finished editing my 42 freaking page short story, I am really happy to be finished with it...though at the same time I am mad at the story! It took so long! There's so many words and commas!!!

Gahh! I'm having fun rambling ^___^

I get to go to New York! In April! I'm excited! I go with my class!! I get to get I think two E-Pals then I get to meet them in New York!!! I am so freaking excited!!1

Anyways, I shall go now. Byeeee byeeee

O geez I didn't say  who I was! It's Monkey here!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I have no title.

I have no title for this post. Honestly, I just couldn't think of one. So, instead, I will just let you decide for youself on what the title will be. Also, the reason behind my title-less post, is because I have absoloutly nothing to write about. I have a very boring life.
So, I will speak of something that came up today in the boring life. Monkey was talking to me, and told me she was playing 'Zoo Tycoon.' (Again.) And I remember being completely obssesed as a little kid, I played it almost all the time. I realized a very exciting point. You can cage monkey's and bears in a zoo, but not cats. Or at least Tabby cat's anyways. So, seeming as though I found this exciting, I imagined me laughing at home while Bear and Monkey were locked up in one cage. Like this:

So yeah, that's my story. Which isn't that fun. And didn't take up a lot of time. So now, I must unfortunatly give you the news that I will be leaving now. Goodbye, my dear friends! 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bear's Computer Problem

Why is it that every time I post these days, I'm feeling down? I really could use a pick-me-upper...

Anyway, I'll now move on to the main subject in this post:

I think I've ruined my computer.

I know. It's a depressing thought. And it's all because I left a stupid cup of water near it! I had left the water there overnight, so that I would have a drink in the morning, and when I woke up the next morning (yesterday), I was tired and clumsy. I accidentally hit the cup with my hand, as I was reaching past it to get something. I can't even remember what was so important that I needed to grab it at that particular moment.

Yeah, so, water went ALL over my laptop! On the keyboard, on the back of the screen, even all under it! I instantly grabbed tissues and a used towel that was on my floor and started wiping it up. I wiped down the computer first, and set it off to the side, so I could wipe down my desk, velvet-ty chair and even a bit of my box of oils. (You'll be happy to hear that the oils, chair and desk are fine).

When I turned back to my computer, the screen had gone black. I thought it was just because I had unplugged it from the charger (Which has also gotten wet), so I just clicked on the mouse, and it reanimated itself. Satisfied, I tried wiping down my chair again, which at-the-time wasn't looking to good.

Once again I turned back to my computer, only to find the screen black again. I clicked on the mouse again. But my super-smart ninja move didn't work this time. The screen remained black.

I was starting to fret now. Not that I wasn't before, but now I was going into overtime. I repeatedly clicked on the mouse, silently saying "Be okay, be okay, be okay, be okay PLEASE!"

As if my silent praying had worked, it came back to life! The screen turned a weird colour I'd never seen it turn before, and a weird "loading" sign came up. But then it returned to the page I had been on before the terrible incident! I was anxious now, and turned it off, just in case. I set it away from the original incident, on a different part of my large desk, and put a small fan on it.

I spent the rest of the day complaining about my situation to my brother, moping-ly eating fries and watching the new episodes of Naruto Shippuden.

Later that evening, I decided I would try it out again. It seemed to be running fine, until I noticed that there was something wrong with the charger. The icon for the charger on my computer, where it usually says the percentage of the battery power, had an ominous black 'X' instead. I started worrying again.

At this time, I had been talking to Cat, Monkey and another friend on me and Cat's website. I started annoying them with my frantic worrying. Cat's dad (who works with computers) said that I shouldn't use the computer to much, because it might fry the battery. He also said to take it in to Neural-Net (a store in my city that works with Apple computers). Taking his advice to heart, I said goodbye to my friends, and shut the computer off. I set it on three roles of tape, so it was off the desk, and put the fan on it again. It's been there ever since.

I talked to my dad about it, too. He also knows a little somethin'-somethin' about computers. He told me to try unplugging the charger from the wall, and also from the computer, then to restart the computer and plug everything back in again.

Unfortunately, I'd already tried this. I'd also found out that my computer refuses to turn on, unless the charger is in. Which is stupid, because apparently the charger didn't work!

My dad told me later that day (around two in the morning), when he found me in the basement on my mom's computer that he'd take a look at it tomorrow (today, now), and I hope he does when he gets home from work.

So now, I'm on my mom's computer again, snacking on weird-tasting bread, Coke Zero/Ginger Ale, talking to cat and listening to Dashboard Confessionals, Yellowcard, Faber Drive and Story Of The Year. (The music is taking turns! I'm not listening to it all at the same time, as Cat had thought!)

I really hope my computer will snap out of this er... phase? I have so many important documents on there :'( Also, I've got a LOT of music on it that I don't have on a hard copy.


In other news, it was my nephew's birthday yesterday. Shall we call him Cub? I like the way that sounds. He turned one! It's a shame I wasn't able to see him. I would've liked to very much, but he doesn't live in my city, let-alone province!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Monkey's epic fail's

Hello all, it's Monkey here typing! I'll tell you all about my epic fail today, wait okay I had a few epic fails

I'll give you a bit of background first, I went to see the Green Hornet the green hornet with my family, I think it was Wednesday. Me being idiot decided to bring my keys for no apparent reason, during the movie I had thought my keys had fallen out of my jacket and onto the floor, so I started to freak out when we reached home, I mean really! There was my house keys, my dads house keys, my bike lock key, my library card, and my Toshiro Hitusgaya key chain on there!! I tend to over freak out a bunch on things. So I ended up calling the theatre twice to see if they had them, they didn't. Then called the library to cancell my card!

So me, being the idiot checked my bag and my jacket where I usually put them, I couldn't find them. THen today while hanging out with a friend. I looked in my bag and WALAH! My freakin keys! They had been in a secret stinking hiding pocket the entire time! I was definately not happy!

Another fail today
I got up to grab a book, I was sitting cross legged before, so my feet tend to get well...asleep. Me not realizeng that the foot of my heel was in fact asleep, got up. Firstly I misjudged my step and got up weirdly. Then after a few steps, I fell backwards right on my butt!
No one saw though, I was in my room!

On a good note, I got Naruto the movie, Guardian of the Crescent Moon Kingdom today. Not to buy though, just from the library, I got it with my mums card! :D

Alrighty yeah that was my freaking epically epic fails today.
See you all next time!!

Nonchalauntly Meloncoly :)

I come to you today with my two favorite words. They are in the title, and I refuse to write them again because they are impossible to write but fun to say. Which, my dear blog readers, is why they are my favorite words.
Now, I realize that, in my previous posts, there has not been on single picture of myself. So, I bring you a picture I had drawn of myself earlier today. Right there, underneath all of these fantastic words.

Now, that is myself. Unfortunatly, my whiskers look kind of funny. And I don't think I'm striped enough, but that's alright, I'll be unique :) I will be sure to keep you posted with my pictures. That is, if I really feel the need to draw anything of myself. Because, I'd rather talk about Steve! Because Steve is a lot more interesting than I am, and he read a book today.

So, I bring you Steve reading. He is wearing his reading glasses, and the book has no title. It is written by no body, on a non-exsisting date. Which actually makes me very suspicious.Who knows what's in that book of his. Could be completely empty, for all I know! So, In the mean time, I will be checking up on Steve, since he IS still reading. In fact, he's sitting in my most comfy chair, taking it up for himself when I could be sitting in it. Very sad, my friends.
SO! Now that is covered, I bring to you my new relitivly segment, shoutouts! Today, it goes to our new followers! I will not say names, as you can look for yourself. Honestly, I screamed when I found out we were being followed. I feel so famous!
Seriously, I just had a mental picture of me trying to do math. As a cat. Which I am, so I thought it would be really funny. So I've decided to come and share it with you. I even drew a picture for you! (This will be the rare occasion that I draw a picture of my self. In fact, now I've included TWO pictures of me in ONE post! Wow!)

And I'll let you know, I almost uploaded this photo with out whiskers on my face. How silly would I have looked? I could have almost looked lik Steve! How amazing!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bear's stupid moment of the day.

I'm depressed. 

I wasn't depressed an hour ago. That's how quickly my depression creeps up on me.

It all started when I got home from my haircut. I was hungry, so I heated up some noodles in my brand-new microwave, and I also made a sandwich and stuck a can of Ginger-Ale in my pocket. Now, this story won't go anywhere until I tell you about my house…

I've got three floors in my house, main floor, basement and the top floor. Between each floor is a 'landing', where the stairs meet, then continue on. The stairs are shiny and wooden, and there's nothing in between them. They're fancy, but suck if you slip on them, or get your foot stuck in between the two steps. 

I took this picture from the main floor. The top landing is where the terrible scene happened. If you wanted to see the mess, I'm sorry. I cleaned it up before I thought about taking pictures.

So anyway, I had my food with me, a plate in each hand, when I saw my book sitting on the counter. I couldn't just leave it there, oh no! I had to take it with me, all the way upstairs, even though I wasn't planning on reading it! So, I put the plate on which my sandwich was sitting, waiting to be eaten, and placed it on the book. I then grabbed my book with the plate on top, and had my noodles in the other hand, and I made my journey up the staircase.

When I reached the landing, my plate with the sandwich slipped off my book, and fell to the granite floor. It crashed, and shattered into a middle pieces. I couldn't even cry out, because I had a fork in my mouth, and didn't want it to fall and hit the littered floor. 

There was glass E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E! I couldn't even take a step without stepping on the shattered plate! (Luckily I was wearing thick socks!) I shook the glass off my pants, and ran up the rest of the stairs. I quickly put my noodles, fork, book and Ginger-Ale in my room, then went to deal with the mess. 

Not only was the glass on the landing, it was on the stairs leading to the main floor, it was ON the main floor, the stairs leading to the basement landing, the stairs leading to the basement, and it was even all over the basement! It was only a small plate!!

My brother, doing the first nice thing for me all day, came and took a dust pan and dealt with the basement stairs. But I had to dig out the vacuum and clean the main floor, the upstairs landing, and the stairs between the landing and the main floor. My brother had finished his "being-nice" moment of the day, and had gone back to his video games. I checked the stairs he had supposedly 'cleaned', and found them still littered with glass. 

Now I had finished the main floor and up, but I had to do the stairs leading to the basement landing, then the stairs to the basement, and finally the basement! It took awhile, but I got all the little suckers! 

Now, I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet! My sandwich, when it had fallen along with the plate, had been infested by small pieces of glass! I ended up having to throw it out and make a new sandwich. Then when I got back upstairs, I was greeted by my noodles, which had gone cold! 

I then had to go back down to the main floor, where the kitchen is, and heat up my noodles again! (They tasted better after the first heating).

But on a more happier side-note, my new haircut is pretty nice :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Welcome! People, Animals and Steve.

Hello again! Now, usually, I'd let you know who is blogging here. BUT I've decided to hold you out in suspense until the end of this blog to find out which one of the Essential Animals is speaking to you at the moment. Now I know what you're going to do, you're going to scroll all the way down and cheat. No, that's not how this is going to work! Because then you will ruin the story that I am going to tell you!

Really, I probably won't tell you a story, becuase it'll be boring, but I will tell you a completely random fact about Steve. You all know Steve, right? If you don't read my last post, and it'll tell you. Steve, my trusty stead (Tamoner) is in love with boxes. In fact, I have a picture right here with his favorite box.

Yes, this is Steve! He likes his box because it's sparkly and green and blue. Yes, I do realize he is wearing glasses. Unfortunatly, I hate to bring you the news in this way to you audience of less than ten. (It's alright less than ten audience. I still like you. Steve likes you too.) But Steve doesn't have 20/20 vision. I am truly sorry, Steve. And to our viewers out there.

Now! For my new segment of this blogging world, Shoutouts! I just love shoutouts, don't you? Not that you'll all answer me, because you know, this is over the interenet, but it's alright! Now, my first EVER shoutout, goes to that one person out in the world that told me that they'd comment on my next post. This makes me feel happy inside :)

*Hey, it's time for the end of the post.* Whoa! Is it that time already? I guess I've got to go. SO. This is the time you've all been waiting for! I hope you didn't skip to the end, because I am giving 1 million dollars to anyone who guesses it was me correctly. No, I'm just joking. I couldn't do that! But! This is Ladybug answering to you!

Gotchya, didn't I? It's actually Cat here! I'm just a smarticle aren't I?

Mon-Mon time :3

Hello there again! If you haven't figured it out well I'm Monkey :)

<--- That's me.

On recommendation of Bear I'm going to talk about the failed All nighter The Three Essential Animals tried to pull yesterday with two other friends of ours!
We ended up staying up till well six I think, that's what time I fell asleep, we were watching Monsters Inc. at the time, awesome movie by the way, I love Boo!

We ended up playing Monopoly for I'm thinking two hours, but seeing as I am completely incapable at strategy and math I was the first the get bankrupt. I then joined Bear's team! But then she was almost bankrupt next......I think I'm bad luck at Monopoly.....

Cat and Steve creeped on should know by now who Steve is....if you don't he's a Tamoner! Cat's amazing creation even though he looks like a Tiger he isn't!

For the night I was impersonating a character of Bear's and Cat's called Annalise (I don't know how to spell it)  Haha I was Cat and Bear's little was a very interesting experience seeing as Cat hits me a lot.....I hit her's both of ours fault :P

Hmm that's all I can think of for now....and I am exhausted so I'll have to say good byee and hope you like our blog! :)

 And by the way, folks, as you may have realized, this is me in my new makeover form. I got it while posting this blog!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bear is Back, Baby!

Try saying that title five times fast! (If you're one of the dunce's like me who actually tried that, you'll notice it's not actually that hard to say)

So, it's me Bear (as I'm sure you figured out), and I was told by Monkey to make a post! Sorry, Mon-Mon that you told me to make it around one in the afternoon, and it's almost six now…

I almost didn't write this post, because I couldn't think of anything to write about! But here I am, and my fingers are flying across the keyboard, so I suppose I'm writing SOMETHING!

Now, since me and the other two Essential Animals don't really have a plan for this blog, maybe whoever is reading this (aka, YOU!) could give us some ideas? I was thinking maybe something about memories or interesting things that happen during our day?

If you're curious about my day, well, let's just say I spent it researching and writing about space history! That's how exciting I am!

While I'm sitting here, drumming my fingers against the keyboard, wondering what to write about, I was just suddenly struck by an inane mental picture! I could weirdly imagine Steve (Our Tamoner) creeping up behind me as I sit at my desk! I had to resist the urge to whip around and check if he is actually there.

So, I asked Cat what I should tell the world about in my post, and she suggested the weird words that randomly get stuck in my head! I've had four so far! Completely random, probably made-up words!

I'll start with the very first one! Hyakunin. Don't tell me where it sprouted from! Just one day, I was sitting at my desk (not unlike right now) when the word popped into my head! A few days after that, I was watching anime (can't remember which one, sorry) when I heard 'Hyakunin' in the opening theme song! The song was in Japanese, so I'm not quite sure what it means! But I feel I should look into it!

Number two! Shenron. SSHHHEEEEENRRRROOONNN! Sorry, I felt the need to drag the word out slowly and loudly! So, I have an idea about this one! As to how it randomly came into my brain, well, who knows!? I'm a big DragonBall and DragonBall Z fan, and everybody knows that the dragon is named Shenlong! Well, little and more hearing-impared me used to think that his name was indeed Shenron! So, there's that one for ya!

Next comes Mufliato…. I don't have much to say about this, actually. Monkey (who is a big Harry Potter geek) thinks it sounds like a spell name! But, eh! What do I know!?

Numero four has now arrived! I'm not ashamed to say that number four will not be my limit. I will most likely be greeted by other random words sometime in the near future! If you'd like to hear back from me about my soon-to-be new words, tell me in the comments below! Anyway, getting to the subject; Yakisoba. It sounds like some kind of Japanese noodle or something! Maybe it's a mangaka's name? It could also possibly be a car!

Now, I'm afraid my post is getting a little to long! But if you happen to know what any of these words ACTUALLY mean, please let me know! I'd love to hear about it!