Monday, May 30, 2011

YC in Edmonton

Hello amigos! I'm back! Sorry for not posting for a long time, but we had some problems with Monkey's last post. Blogger deleted it, and we couldn't get it back. I was waiting for her to repost, but she is sure taking her dang time with it, so I'm just gunna post! (Love you, Mon-Mon!)

I've been in Edmonton, these past few days, as you can guess from the title. I'm pretty sure I've told you about YC before, but if I haven't, it is a Youth Conference that they hold once a year. This is the first year I've gone, and it was LIFE CHANGING!

I'm sorry if you're not a Christian, and I know that I promised not to talk about my beliefs too much (I promise I won't try to stuff my beliefs down your throat!) But this is actually important, and I think that even if you aren't a Christian, or even if you don't belief in God, you should read on. 

This weekend made me realize just how lucky I actually am. I mean, I've known it before; I have friends,  a good family, no money problems, a nice house, all that, but I always thought there was SOMETHING wrong. 

I have stomach ulcers and IBS, also, I'm Lactose Intolerant and I'm allergic to several different types of food, so obviously, I thought "Man, my life is hard". But there were people there who had it worse, a lot worse.

There was a girl sharing my hotel room, who's best friend had been murdered last year. Her parents judged her and pushed her to do great in school, even though she had recently been diagnosed with several learning disorders such as Dyslexia, ADD and OCD. Her family had barely any money, and they could only afford one meal per day.

That girl's good friend who was also there was picked on at school because she was different and lonely. Her parents were divorced, and she was afraid of meeting new people, because they could hurt and judge her.

A girl in the next room over had spent this last year cutting and hating herself. She tried smoking and pot, and drugs to get away from her life. All these girls had thought about suicide, and were tired of their lives.

Guys, this was just three people out of thirteen-THOUSAND! And I thought day-to-day stomach pains were hard! I can't imagine what it would be like to be them… The point I'm trying to get across is that life is so much more. Those girls were happy. Get that! They were cheering, laughing, talking, they were excited because they had someone to worship and loving people around them.

I think they're role-models, even if they do break down and cry every now and again.

Okay, sorry that I've been so serious lately. All my posts have just been boring and dull. I promise to try 'n be funny in the future!

On another ending note, I made direct eye-contact with a celebrity! Yeah, I know you're jealous! Jason Dunn from Hawk Nelson looked me in the eyes! *sigh* I should've gotten his autograph!

P.S Me and Cat went to the West Edmonton Mall, and I was attacked by books, hung out on a pirate ship, saw people I actually knew, and had a party in a hat store! Yep. Good weekend indeed!

Okay, I'll stop talking now. Bear out!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

New Yawk, New Yawk!

Ohmygosh! What a exciting week! Well all, there was a monkey in New York last week, did you check the news? xD Just jokes, no monkey, but yeah I went to New York! It was so amazing