Monday, November 28, 2011

Is It My Turn?

Hola, amigos!

I'm kinda pooped out from blogging, but it's definitely my turn to post on here, so I have to, before December comes.

The reason I'm all pooped out? Could it be because of an all-November-long blogging spree on my blog? That might be it! 

Every day for the past month I've been writing a blog post, long or short, funny or sad, on my blog! (I'll give the link at the end of this post)

Anyway, so, my life has been moving along speedily since I spoke to you last! I can't believe there are only five more weeks until my school semester ends. FIVE weeks! It feels as if I've only BEEN in school for five weeks!

To quickly catch you up on all I've been doing, I shall throw my last several months into one paragraph, and here I go:

Grade 10 is sucky, the only reason I semi-enjoy school is because of my friends. I've decided to go on a German exchange next year, and getting everything planned out for it has been weird. I started taking drum lessons, and I now own a drum set, accordion, egg-shaker and a tambourine. I got a new bed, and had to re-arrange my entire bedroom to make room for the new thing. I have found out about a lot of things that I won't share here, but are extremely important. I've been to several concerts, which have all been amazing, I got my learner's licence, et cetera, et cetera. 

Of course, none of that stuff seems all-that-important, but to me, all of that is a big-stinkin'-deal. 

Oh yeah! I promised I'd share the link to my blog, so here it is:

And, that's about all I have to say for today. I'm sorry that I didn't have much of a story! I just wanted to get everyone caught-up on my life! Next time, I promise, I'll have a funny story for you!


Monday, November 07, 2011


Alright! Hi everyone! It is Monkey! And in recent news. It has snowed....durg..
Bear and Cat....both really like the snow....I don't. Not one bit. At ALL. It's cold and wet, and makes everything else, cold and wet. And it stays FOREVER. Five or six months....half a year...half my life is spent in frigid cold, minus 40 below. Not even closing least not till minus 50 cause that's when it gets TO cold.....I hate snow SO much.
I was born to be in the warm, I have australian blood meant for the ocean and sun! Not for clouds and white snow....

Other news! My computer ALMOST crashed on of a dang scanner that mum monkey asked me to use to scan pictures which are all in negatives onto my I installed it...and it almost crashed me, mostly because I have almost no space left on my computer and because I might have installed the wrong Bit.

Then my brother....dunno what to call 'bout...Howler..cause at times he screams like one.
He's....12 acts like he 17....complete and utter jerk, can't seem to realize that there are people in this world who care about things other then COD and MineCraft.....annoys me everyday, also, he's adopted this habit of when I ask to use the PS3 for ONE night so I can have a couple friends over and we can play...I get sworn at...for five minutes...I couldn't get a word in otherwise.
Got almost boiling water spilt on my hand and I don't understand math....making my day all that much better....

I had a great day till I got home! Hung out with a amazing book, got a camera for the night! All wonderful! But that was until I got home, had to shovel...okay, fine... don't mind that, I got an ipod I can listen to music. So finished that, I decide to go do something I've been meaning to do for years...scan these pictures...and it crashes my computer....days, go downhill from there....

Let's see how the rest of the week goes, shall we? If this Monday is anything to go by...I'm really no looking forward to it....See y'all later! Monkey~ Out!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Autumn, Music and Awesome-ness.

You know what the best part about autumn is? Everything. I mean it; the leaves changing colour, Halloween coming up, and my birthday! Although, my most favorite part of fall is the sense that the extreme hot days of summer is over. The feel of it, mainly. Like... Go outside. Right now. Go to your nearest window and peek outside. Better yet, open your door and step into your front lawn. You'll get to feel the semi-cool breeze blowing around you, and the view of the red- and orange-leaves on the trees. I just love it.
And you know what makes this feel any better? Going to a concert.
That's true, people! Myself, bear, and monkey all went to a concert last night! After I had a rushed moment of picking them up directly after I had left my piano lessons, we were on the road and to the show. Arriving just as the doors opened (If not earlier), we not-so-quickly found our seats. The first group came onto stage. Throughout the entire concert, we headed up the stairs, to continue our curious looking's' of the merchandise, and to retrieve the  autograph's of these bands that we had heard and fell in love with.
Somewhat near the beginning of the concert, I had boughten a Tshirt from the band To Tell! Which, I used to get the autographs of the many bands and singers there. Unfortunatly, this brought anger to the band of Manic Drive, whom had been trying to get my attention to buy one of their tshirts.
But do you know what this means? Because I had gotten them to sign this new shirt, their very fingers had touched me. And now that I read that over, it sounds somewhat strange, but it's true! They used their fingers to steady the shirt that I was wearing. ALSO. The Newsboys were there. Ohmygosh. It was amazing. You would not believe how estatic I was last night! Ohmygosh. I still have that after-concert excitment buzzing through my head.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

School and 9/11

Hello gang, Bear's back!

So, I've had a lovely time since my last post. For instance, I went to Orlando, I met up with my friends a million times, and school started! But on the other hand, I've had a terrible time since my last post. For example, my brother's attitude is getting worse and worse, and I swear he's going to kill me some day, the food I've been able to eat is dwindling down drastically, and school has started.

School. School, school, school, school, school. At the same time, I hate and love it. I hate it because I have no more free time to faff about all day, and because I have so much homework, and because the classes are difficult, et cetera. But then again, I love it because it gives me something to do each day, and because I get to see my friends.

My friends are beautiful, wonderful people. It's such a shame that several of them go to a different school…

Anywho, today is the anniversary for the famous 9/11. You know that, obviously, but it needs to be said by me. I don't honestly know much about the incident, but I know the basics. The entire world will be grieving today, and even though 9/11 has never meant too much to me, it will still affect me. It's not like 9/11 isn't close to my heart, it's just that I don't remember much about it. 

I don't recall what I was doing when it happened, or how I felt about it once I found out, but I had been five years old. 

Well, all I have to say is that I hope that people will get along today, and that the world can come together and be on the same side for one day. 

R.I.P those who died on this day, ten years ago.

Friday, September 02, 2011

What a summer...and upcoming school year! Woo!

Y'all! It's Monkey~ and Now time to talk :D ....Maybe it's just the fact that I'm back at school and seeing my friends for like, six hours a day...or just overtiredness, but today...and yesterday....I was extremely hyper. Ohmygosh, it was fun~ I still am actually but for the last like twenty minutes I've been dancing to a song called 'Love & Joy' By Miku Hatsune from Vocaloid, here's the song and dance!
Now if you watched that, and tried to follow the me you'd be tired! Ahh :D

But on a better note, actually that was pretty good up there, but on ANOTHER note~ I have classes with all my friends! It's amazing! A math class with Bear, which I did not have before I switched out of a differant class to take art. Two classes with Cat, English and Science. Then Photography and Art with another friend of mine, Bear's and Cat's....Oh it's been a good week, let me say that now...:D

I've joined YearBook as well! I'm going to be busy! Trying to start an Anime Club with Bear at the moment, all we need is a teacher and we'll be good to go!

Okay, had anyone ever heard of the book 'Feed'? It is such a weird book! I'm only eight pages in, but guys! It's about space, alright? But they, first sentence talk about a party on the moon and how their life revovles around a Feed that puts out all thoughts? I dunno if I'll like this one, but I have to read it for a Novel Study project for English....blahh.....but I got a book by Scott Westerfield called Midnighters! I didn't know he had one out like that! I love his work!
Peeps, So Yesterday, Uglies, Pretties, Extras and Specials....I'm a book fanatic :D I was listening to a Brian Jaques memorial radio show broadcast today online....I'm so sad he's gone, doesn't seem seems like sometime next year I'll be waiting for another Redwall book to be released for me to read, and love.....How can it be real?

Meh...on a happier note this time, I WANT TO COSPLAY....Ohmygosh...the need is so bad! I need to get a waistcoat too....and I need to cut my the moment it's to long :/ it sucks...But something is coming up soon with cosplaying!! Me and Bear are excited! Cat might even be coming! IT'll be a first, that's for sure!

OHMYGOSH.....all this already and I've forgotten to mention about my expireance at camp! D: Well! For the last two weeks of Summer I was at a camp on a lake~ I won't say which or where, for you good luck with that...but I shall say it was a bible was utterly amazing, I learned things about myself that I didn't know before...I found my stamina, my endurance physically and mentally...and I just realized things like god is needed in my life.....
I miss camp, it was such an amazing atmosphere, and such a happy group....I can't wait for next year....I'll be there helping out and cleaning toilets again! You can be sure of that!

Signing off it's Monkey saying see you~ Till next time!

Monday, August 29, 2011

It's only the first day of school!

First day of school! You know that feeling, (Or at least I hope you do.) getting the rush of seeing all of your friends that you haven't seen for an entirety of two months, starting out with a clean backpack, and an organized binder. You get new classes, new schedual, and different teachers. First day of school is great.
Summer has just ended for us (Bear, Cat, and Monkey) and we are off to get a new year of education! It all starts out with waking up in the morning, exceptionally early, and dragging ourselves to school extremely tired.
My days as a free-flying cat during the summer doing whatever I wanted, is now over. I've got to do the usual: Homework, music, and more homework. Of course, that hasn't started yet, as it has only been the first day of school. But my endless days of playin' music, painting and full days of watching movies have ended! Somewhat, acutally.
And no, I have not written a lot right here. Unfortunatly, I am not in the mood of writting at the moment, but I have been pressured for over a month to blog again.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm Here, I'm Ready, I'm… Armed With One Drum Stick?

     Hello gang! It's Bear here. I'm listening to Leon Thomas, working on a story with Cat, and slowly working my way down my To-Do list. I am TOTALLY ready to post on here!
     I don't have much of a story to tell here today, other than Monkey's birthday. Which was two days ago! Everyone, post your belated birthday wishes under this post! I'll make sure she sees them!
     Yeah, so we went to see the last Harry Potter movie, which came out on her birthday. It was great, if I must say. I promise not to tell any spoilers, but they didn't put my favourite part in… 
     I still cried. It was sad.
     Ooh! Also, I spent the last week and a half at my sisters acreage! It's out in the country, and it's not totally finished yet. During the week I was there, they got their countertops and water working. They don't even have power yet. They're relying on a big, red generator to light their house and work their toilets. 
     I didn't mind much. I still got to see my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. My nephew, Chase (known as Cub on here) can talk now! He's no pro, I must admit, but his vocabulary includes the words: Mama, Daddy, Kate, Copper, garbage, let's go, no, baby, and sh*t. Yeah, I think he learned the last word from his grandma. Not my mom, my brother-in-law's. My brother, his parents and Cub's Oma (my mom) think it's pretty funny. I can't say I'm too impressed.
     Anywho, since we didn't have showers, or much food there (and not a good way of cooking it), we spent a lot of time at my brother-in-law's parents place. It was nice, but they had eight dogs, plus my sister's two. Ten dogs around the place. Luckily only two were allowed inside. I don't like dogs…
     Trudy, my brother-in-law's mom, had almost all of the Rock Bands. I think the only ones she was missing was Green Day, Track-Pack 1, and Metallica. Needless to say, we played a lot of Rock Band there. I found out that Rock Band 3 was out! Did you know that? I've already got the hang of the keyboard, and I'm pretty awesome at drums, if I do say so myself. Me and a friend are going downtown this week. I'm planning on buying the third Rock Band.
     While playing the game, Cub, who's almost seventeen months, decided he wanted to try the drums. I was in the middle of a Hard song when he clawed and pinched his way onto my lap. At first, he sat there contently, giggling as my one leg bounced up and down to hit the pedal notes. Then he reached out and grabbed my left hand and pulled the drum stick from my grasp. For a baby, he's pretty strong, and he REALLY wanted that stick!
     I was reduced to playing with one stick, and my hand. It was funny, for Trudy, my brother Wayne, and sister Christina. For me, it was a challenge. Cub was swinging the stick back and forth in front of my face. I was hit full-force two or three times. After the song was over, I still had gotten a wonking 93%.
     So, I have no other stories to tell, except for boring ones. I guess that means this post is almost over! Now that I've finished this, I've still got five other things to finished on my To-Do list. Can't wait to write here again! Until next time, 