Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm Here, I'm Ready, I'm… Armed With One Drum Stick?

     Hello gang! It's Bear here. I'm listening to Leon Thomas, working on a story with Cat, and slowly working my way down my To-Do list. I am TOTALLY ready to post on here!
     I don't have much of a story to tell here today, other than Monkey's birthday. Which was two days ago! Everyone, post your belated birthday wishes under this post! I'll make sure she sees them!
     Yeah, so we went to see the last Harry Potter movie, which came out on her birthday. It was great, if I must say. I promise not to tell any spoilers, but they didn't put my favourite part in… 
     I still cried. It was sad.
     Ooh! Also, I spent the last week and a half at my sisters acreage! It's out in the country, and it's not totally finished yet. During the week I was there, they got their countertops and water working. They don't even have power yet. They're relying on a big, red generator to light their house and work their toilets. 
     I didn't mind much. I still got to see my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. My nephew, Chase (known as Cub on here) can talk now! He's no pro, I must admit, but his vocabulary includes the words: Mama, Daddy, Kate, Copper, garbage, let's go, no, baby, and sh*t. Yeah, I think he learned the last word from his grandma. Not my mom, my brother-in-law's. My brother, his parents and Cub's Oma (my mom) think it's pretty funny. I can't say I'm too impressed.
     Anywho, since we didn't have showers, or much food there (and not a good way of cooking it), we spent a lot of time at my brother-in-law's parents place. It was nice, but they had eight dogs, plus my sister's two. Ten dogs around the place. Luckily only two were allowed inside. I don't like dogs…
     Trudy, my brother-in-law's mom, had almost all of the Rock Bands. I think the only ones she was missing was Green Day, Track-Pack 1, and Metallica. Needless to say, we played a lot of Rock Band there. I found out that Rock Band 3 was out! Did you know that? I've already got the hang of the keyboard, and I'm pretty awesome at drums, if I do say so myself. Me and a friend are going downtown this week. I'm planning on buying the third Rock Band.
     While playing the game, Cub, who's almost seventeen months, decided he wanted to try the drums. I was in the middle of a Hard song when he clawed and pinched his way onto my lap. At first, he sat there contently, giggling as my one leg bounced up and down to hit the pedal notes. Then he reached out and grabbed my left hand and pulled the drum stick from my grasp. For a baby, he's pretty strong, and he REALLY wanted that stick!
     I was reduced to playing with one stick, and my hand. It was funny, for Trudy, my brother Wayne, and sister Christina. For me, it was a challenge. Cub was swinging the stick back and forth in front of my face. I was hit full-force two or three times. After the song was over, I still had gotten a wonking 93%.
     So, I have no other stories to tell, except for boring ones. I guess that means this post is almost over! Now that I've finished this, I've still got five other things to finished on my To-Do list. Can't wait to write here again! Until next time, 

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Well hi all! This is Monkey~ It'summer break for the Three Essential Animals and to tell you the truth.....I find it boring ^^; I have nothing to do....well I run in the that's a lie...I've been getting up at noon and running around one ish. Other then that though, I'm just like sitting on my computer waiting for something magical to happen! D:

I think that once my birthday hits I'll have stuff to do as, I'll be getting a Ps2 soon, and I have Ps3 games to finish and there the fact that I also have drawing and cosplay stuff that I really want to do....actually yeah you know what, I have a lot of stuff to do just at the moment it seems like nothing :D

xD I'm just blathering on and on about nothing that really matters! Arg D: Though that's what a blog is though...right? Just talking about stuff....Oh gosh...I sound SO incredibly bored...-__- actually! Wanna hear the beginning of a story that I started a while ago? It's about a pirate! I'll put the first page on here ^__^

              Tell me something, do you know what it’s like to see the people you care about tied up in ropes? No chance to escape. It’s a bit mind shaking, to say the least. To see them taken away by the law that you once trusted? To have all the things you thought were truth turn out to be a lie?
                You cannot say you know how that is. You have not witnessed your parents taken captive in the middle of the night, in your house by the law that you once followed. To find out that your parents were giving information to the pirates that travelled near. Close enough to start an attack at any time.
                Does it make you happy to know that now I am alone? My parents gone. No family….at least any that will speak to me.  I’m trapped by memories, working every day in and out, trying to make a life for myself. I now realize why my parents turned to treachery, to speak to the pirates is a capital offence, but they gave them information, and would have even helped them invade the village. It was so hard to make a life here. So hard to earn money, maybe that’s why they betrayed their land?
                I was sitting on my front lawn, not wanting to go inside and be plagued by memories.  Then a man appeared down the road, I just assumed he was calling on someone, maybe the cooks that lived near, or even the village elders, but oh how wrong I was. He continued to walk until this man was right in front of me.  Looking up at him I took in his attire, white button up shirt, first few buttons loose, leather belt over the shirt, then baggy pants, boots. A sword hung from his belt. Something on his neck caught my eye, a tattoo, of fire with a ring around it, the insignia of a pirate.
                Scrabbling to my feet, I tried to run but my feet were caught on a root, tripping backwards. I readied myself to hit the ground, eyes closed, hands and arms in. Then I just, stopped.  Slowly opening one eye I looked, it was that man.
                “Watch out there, little lady. Don’t want yah’ hurting yourself already, now do we?”  He spoke with a tongue that seemed foreign, but was not, it was my mother language just spoke with a more southern language…
                “W-who are you?” I stumbled over the first word, cursing myself I stood up. Facing him I got a better look at his face, he had emerald green eyes, beneath the pointed pirate hat, with a feather on top, lay brown hair; it was on the longer side and wavy. He seemed to be in his mid twenties, while in his right ear he had three earrings and in his left was two. Lower on his neck was the pirate tattoo. Flames with a ring around them, both were silhouettes. That tattoo was something that every child was taught when they were small. Only pirates who had been caught at least one had it burned into their skin, if you saw them you would know that they got away. They were terrible people was what children were told.
                “Well, little lady I am Nikolo Latarsi- though most call me just Nik- At your service. “ He bowed, sweeping his hat off in a single motion.
                “W-What are you doing here!? Pirates are not wanted.” I said, my voice even scared me. He just smiled at me.
                “Well, I only came to get you, my fair lady. Your ma and pa told me that when they were captured you were to come with me, aboard my ship.” 

Tell me what you think my friends?? It's not so much as edited but I'm getting there! xD 
Okay~ Well I'm deciding to end this here! Bye byee! Thanks for reading and comment and tell us what you think!
