Monday, November 28, 2011

Is It My Turn?

Hola, amigos!

I'm kinda pooped out from blogging, but it's definitely my turn to post on here, so I have to, before December comes.

The reason I'm all pooped out? Could it be because of an all-November-long blogging spree on my blog? That might be it! 

Every day for the past month I've been writing a blog post, long or short, funny or sad, on my blog! (I'll give the link at the end of this post)

Anyway, so, my life has been moving along speedily since I spoke to you last! I can't believe there are only five more weeks until my school semester ends. FIVE weeks! It feels as if I've only BEEN in school for five weeks!

To quickly catch you up on all I've been doing, I shall throw my last several months into one paragraph, and here I go:

Grade 10 is sucky, the only reason I semi-enjoy school is because of my friends. I've decided to go on a German exchange next year, and getting everything planned out for it has been weird. I started taking drum lessons, and I now own a drum set, accordion, egg-shaker and a tambourine. I got a new bed, and had to re-arrange my entire bedroom to make room for the new thing. I have found out about a lot of things that I won't share here, but are extremely important. I've been to several concerts, which have all been amazing, I got my learner's licence, et cetera, et cetera. 

Of course, none of that stuff seems all-that-important, but to me, all of that is a big-stinkin'-deal. 

Oh yeah! I promised I'd share the link to my blog, so here it is:

And, that's about all I have to say for today. I'm sorry that I didn't have much of a story! I just wanted to get everyone caught-up on my life! Next time, I promise, I'll have a funny story for you!


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