I've been waiting since Sunday for Monkey to post! I feel like I haven't ranted in WEEKS!!
Okay, so I've got plenty of things to talk about! But as I logged onto Blogger, I forgot about half of them!
I'll start with the most pressing matter.
I've realized that my last few posts are about things I've done. Or things I've broken. It's come to my attention that you all are probably getting the impression that I'm clumsy! I'd like to inform you that I am NOT!
I've never been clumsy! Except for these last few weeks…
Ooh, also! My computer is saved! It's such a steady little trouper! I had a fan on it for a few days, and when me and my dad tried it out, it worked fine! It does get tired more quickly, and loads very slowly, but at least it still works! I managed to back up all my music and documents, so I'm pretty happy now!
Hmm, what else is there to say?
Well, my sister is coming (with my nephew and possibly my brother-in-law) within the next ten days (according to my mother)! I'm very excited! I can't wait to see my little nephew--cough, cough, Cub, cough-- open his presents! Apparently he can walk now! It'll be great!
Also, I mentioned my mother in the last few sentences. (Not sure if you noticed or not), well I'd like to give a shout-out to her today! She reads this blog sometimes, and I hope she reads this particular post! I wanna say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful mother! She's always there for me, and always listens when I complain or ramble to much! She's a great person :D I wish you all knew her!
Running out of things to say now!
Let's see, last thing on my list is YC 2011!
It's a conference in Edmonton that me and Cat are going to! There will be 24 bands/speakers/performers coming to talk/sing about Jesus Christ! I'm SOOO excited! Some of my favourite Christian bands are coming! The ones I really like are Superchick, Hawk Nelson, Switchfoot, etc, etc. I only wish Relient K, Thousand Foot Krutch and Lifehouse were going…
Anyway, I'm about out of things to say now…
Okay, in the next few days, I might put up the conversation me, Monkey and Cat had when we were deciding our animal alias's! If you're interested in reading that, comment below! I'd like to know what you all think about that!
UPDATE: Okay, in my last few posts, I talked about being "depressed". Please don't take that the wrong way! I'm not actually sitting in dark corners, writing scary poetry, thinking about suicide and doing other depression side effects! When I say "depressed", know that I mean vaguely sad. In my "depression" states, even minor things like a good song will cheer me up. Unless I officially state otherwise, I AM NOT DEPRESSED.
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