Sunday, February 27, 2011

I have no title.

I have no title for this post. Honestly, I just couldn't think of one. So, instead, I will just let you decide for youself on what the title will be. Also, the reason behind my title-less post, is because I have absoloutly nothing to write about. I have a very boring life.
So, I will speak of something that came up today in the boring life. Monkey was talking to me, and told me she was playing 'Zoo Tycoon.' (Again.) And I remember being completely obssesed as a little kid, I played it almost all the time. I realized a very exciting point. You can cage monkey's and bears in a zoo, but not cats. Or at least Tabby cat's anyways. So, seeming as though I found this exciting, I imagined me laughing at home while Bear and Monkey were locked up in one cage. Like this:

So yeah, that's my story. Which isn't that fun. And didn't take up a lot of time. So now, I must unfortunatly give you the news that I will be leaving now. Goodbye, my dear friends! 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bear's Computer Problem

Why is it that every time I post these days, I'm feeling down? I really could use a pick-me-upper...

Anyway, I'll now move on to the main subject in this post:

I think I've ruined my computer.

I know. It's a depressing thought. And it's all because I left a stupid cup of water near it! I had left the water there overnight, so that I would have a drink in the morning, and when I woke up the next morning (yesterday), I was tired and clumsy. I accidentally hit the cup with my hand, as I was reaching past it to get something. I can't even remember what was so important that I needed to grab it at that particular moment.

Yeah, so, water went ALL over my laptop! On the keyboard, on the back of the screen, even all under it! I instantly grabbed tissues and a used towel that was on my floor and started wiping it up. I wiped down the computer first, and set it off to the side, so I could wipe down my desk, velvet-ty chair and even a bit of my box of oils. (You'll be happy to hear that the oils, chair and desk are fine).

When I turned back to my computer, the screen had gone black. I thought it was just because I had unplugged it from the charger (Which has also gotten wet), so I just clicked on the mouse, and it reanimated itself. Satisfied, I tried wiping down my chair again, which at-the-time wasn't looking to good.

Once again I turned back to my computer, only to find the screen black again. I clicked on the mouse again. But my super-smart ninja move didn't work this time. The screen remained black.

I was starting to fret now. Not that I wasn't before, but now I was going into overtime. I repeatedly clicked on the mouse, silently saying "Be okay, be okay, be okay, be okay PLEASE!"

As if my silent praying had worked, it came back to life! The screen turned a weird colour I'd never seen it turn before, and a weird "loading" sign came up. But then it returned to the page I had been on before the terrible incident! I was anxious now, and turned it off, just in case. I set it away from the original incident, on a different part of my large desk, and put a small fan on it.

I spent the rest of the day complaining about my situation to my brother, moping-ly eating fries and watching the new episodes of Naruto Shippuden.

Later that evening, I decided I would try it out again. It seemed to be running fine, until I noticed that there was something wrong with the charger. The icon for the charger on my computer, where it usually says the percentage of the battery power, had an ominous black 'X' instead. I started worrying again.

At this time, I had been talking to Cat, Monkey and another friend on me and Cat's website. I started annoying them with my frantic worrying. Cat's dad (who works with computers) said that I shouldn't use the computer to much, because it might fry the battery. He also said to take it in to Neural-Net (a store in my city that works with Apple computers). Taking his advice to heart, I said goodbye to my friends, and shut the computer off. I set it on three roles of tape, so it was off the desk, and put the fan on it again. It's been there ever since.

I talked to my dad about it, too. He also knows a little somethin'-somethin' about computers. He told me to try unplugging the charger from the wall, and also from the computer, then to restart the computer and plug everything back in again.

Unfortunately, I'd already tried this. I'd also found out that my computer refuses to turn on, unless the charger is in. Which is stupid, because apparently the charger didn't work!

My dad told me later that day (around two in the morning), when he found me in the basement on my mom's computer that he'd take a look at it tomorrow (today, now), and I hope he does when he gets home from work.

So now, I'm on my mom's computer again, snacking on weird-tasting bread, Coke Zero/Ginger Ale, talking to cat and listening to Dashboard Confessionals, Yellowcard, Faber Drive and Story Of The Year. (The music is taking turns! I'm not listening to it all at the same time, as Cat had thought!)

I really hope my computer will snap out of this er... phase? I have so many important documents on there :'( Also, I've got a LOT of music on it that I don't have on a hard copy.


In other news, it was my nephew's birthday yesterday. Shall we call him Cub? I like the way that sounds. He turned one! It's a shame I wasn't able to see him. I would've liked to very much, but he doesn't live in my city, let-alone province!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Monkey's epic fail's

Hello all, it's Monkey here typing! I'll tell you all about my epic fail today, wait okay I had a few epic fails

I'll give you a bit of background first, I went to see the Green Hornet the green hornet with my family, I think it was Wednesday. Me being idiot decided to bring my keys for no apparent reason, during the movie I had thought my keys had fallen out of my jacket and onto the floor, so I started to freak out when we reached home, I mean really! There was my house keys, my dads house keys, my bike lock key, my library card, and my Toshiro Hitusgaya key chain on there!! I tend to over freak out a bunch on things. So I ended up calling the theatre twice to see if they had them, they didn't. Then called the library to cancell my card!

So me, being the idiot checked my bag and my jacket where I usually put them, I couldn't find them. THen today while hanging out with a friend. I looked in my bag and WALAH! My freakin keys! They had been in a secret stinking hiding pocket the entire time! I was definately not happy!

Another fail today
I got up to grab a book, I was sitting cross legged before, so my feet tend to get well...asleep. Me not realizeng that the foot of my heel was in fact asleep, got up. Firstly I misjudged my step and got up weirdly. Then after a few steps, I fell backwards right on my butt!
No one saw though, I was in my room!

On a good note, I got Naruto the movie, Guardian of the Crescent Moon Kingdom today. Not to buy though, just from the library, I got it with my mums card! :D

Alrighty yeah that was my freaking epically epic fails today.
See you all next time!!

Nonchalauntly Meloncoly :)

I come to you today with my two favorite words. They are in the title, and I refuse to write them again because they are impossible to write but fun to say. Which, my dear blog readers, is why they are my favorite words.
Now, I realize that, in my previous posts, there has not been on single picture of myself. So, I bring you a picture I had drawn of myself earlier today. Right there, underneath all of these fantastic words.

Now, that is myself. Unfortunatly, my whiskers look kind of funny. And I don't think I'm striped enough, but that's alright, I'll be unique :) I will be sure to keep you posted with my pictures. That is, if I really feel the need to draw anything of myself. Because, I'd rather talk about Steve! Because Steve is a lot more interesting than I am, and he read a book today.

So, I bring you Steve reading. He is wearing his reading glasses, and the book has no title. It is written by no body, on a non-exsisting date. Which actually makes me very suspicious.Who knows what's in that book of his. Could be completely empty, for all I know! So, In the mean time, I will be checking up on Steve, since he IS still reading. In fact, he's sitting in my most comfy chair, taking it up for himself when I could be sitting in it. Very sad, my friends.
SO! Now that is covered, I bring to you my new relitivly segment, shoutouts! Today, it goes to our new followers! I will not say names, as you can look for yourself. Honestly, I screamed when I found out we were being followed. I feel so famous!
Seriously, I just had a mental picture of me trying to do math. As a cat. Which I am, so I thought it would be really funny. So I've decided to come and share it with you. I even drew a picture for you! (This will be the rare occasion that I draw a picture of my self. In fact, now I've included TWO pictures of me in ONE post! Wow!)

And I'll let you know, I almost uploaded this photo with out whiskers on my face. How silly would I have looked? I could have almost looked lik Steve! How amazing!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bear's stupid moment of the day.

I'm depressed. 

I wasn't depressed an hour ago. That's how quickly my depression creeps up on me.

It all started when I got home from my haircut. I was hungry, so I heated up some noodles in my brand-new microwave, and I also made a sandwich and stuck a can of Ginger-Ale in my pocket. Now, this story won't go anywhere until I tell you about my house…

I've got three floors in my house, main floor, basement and the top floor. Between each floor is a 'landing', where the stairs meet, then continue on. The stairs are shiny and wooden, and there's nothing in between them. They're fancy, but suck if you slip on them, or get your foot stuck in between the two steps. 

I took this picture from the main floor. The top landing is where the terrible scene happened. If you wanted to see the mess, I'm sorry. I cleaned it up before I thought about taking pictures.

So anyway, I had my food with me, a plate in each hand, when I saw my book sitting on the counter. I couldn't just leave it there, oh no! I had to take it with me, all the way upstairs, even though I wasn't planning on reading it! So, I put the plate on which my sandwich was sitting, waiting to be eaten, and placed it on the book. I then grabbed my book with the plate on top, and had my noodles in the other hand, and I made my journey up the staircase.

When I reached the landing, my plate with the sandwich slipped off my book, and fell to the granite floor. It crashed, and shattered into a middle pieces. I couldn't even cry out, because I had a fork in my mouth, and didn't want it to fall and hit the littered floor. 

There was glass E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E! I couldn't even take a step without stepping on the shattered plate! (Luckily I was wearing thick socks!) I shook the glass off my pants, and ran up the rest of the stairs. I quickly put my noodles, fork, book and Ginger-Ale in my room, then went to deal with the mess. 

Not only was the glass on the landing, it was on the stairs leading to the main floor, it was ON the main floor, the stairs leading to the basement landing, the stairs leading to the basement, and it was even all over the basement! It was only a small plate!!

My brother, doing the first nice thing for me all day, came and took a dust pan and dealt with the basement stairs. But I had to dig out the vacuum and clean the main floor, the upstairs landing, and the stairs between the landing and the main floor. My brother had finished his "being-nice" moment of the day, and had gone back to his video games. I checked the stairs he had supposedly 'cleaned', and found them still littered with glass. 

Now I had finished the main floor and up, but I had to do the stairs leading to the basement landing, then the stairs to the basement, and finally the basement! It took awhile, but I got all the little suckers! 

Now, I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet! My sandwich, when it had fallen along with the plate, had been infested by small pieces of glass! I ended up having to throw it out and make a new sandwich. Then when I got back upstairs, I was greeted by my noodles, which had gone cold! 

I then had to go back down to the main floor, where the kitchen is, and heat up my noodles again! (They tasted better after the first heating).

But on a more happier side-note, my new haircut is pretty nice :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Welcome! People, Animals and Steve.

Hello again! Now, usually, I'd let you know who is blogging here. BUT I've decided to hold you out in suspense until the end of this blog to find out which one of the Essential Animals is speaking to you at the moment. Now I know what you're going to do, you're going to scroll all the way down and cheat. No, that's not how this is going to work! Because then you will ruin the story that I am going to tell you!

Really, I probably won't tell you a story, becuase it'll be boring, but I will tell you a completely random fact about Steve. You all know Steve, right? If you don't read my last post, and it'll tell you. Steve, my trusty stead (Tamoner) is in love with boxes. In fact, I have a picture right here with his favorite box.

Yes, this is Steve! He likes his box because it's sparkly and green and blue. Yes, I do realize he is wearing glasses. Unfortunatly, I hate to bring you the news in this way to you audience of less than ten. (It's alright less than ten audience. I still like you. Steve likes you too.) But Steve doesn't have 20/20 vision. I am truly sorry, Steve. And to our viewers out there.

Now! For my new segment of this blogging world, Shoutouts! I just love shoutouts, don't you? Not that you'll all answer me, because you know, this is over the interenet, but it's alright! Now, my first EVER shoutout, goes to that one person out in the world that told me that they'd comment on my next post. This makes me feel happy inside :)

*Hey, it's time for the end of the post.* Whoa! Is it that time already? I guess I've got to go. SO. This is the time you've all been waiting for! I hope you didn't skip to the end, because I am giving 1 million dollars to anyone who guesses it was me correctly. No, I'm just joking. I couldn't do that! But! This is Ladybug answering to you!

Gotchya, didn't I? It's actually Cat here! I'm just a smarticle aren't I?

Mon-Mon time :3

Hello there again! If you haven't figured it out well I'm Monkey :)

<--- That's me.

On recommendation of Bear I'm going to talk about the failed All nighter The Three Essential Animals tried to pull yesterday with two other friends of ours!
We ended up staying up till well six I think, that's what time I fell asleep, we were watching Monsters Inc. at the time, awesome movie by the way, I love Boo!

We ended up playing Monopoly for I'm thinking two hours, but seeing as I am completely incapable at strategy and math I was the first the get bankrupt. I then joined Bear's team! But then she was almost bankrupt next......I think I'm bad luck at Monopoly.....

Cat and Steve creeped on should know by now who Steve is....if you don't he's a Tamoner! Cat's amazing creation even though he looks like a Tiger he isn't!

For the night I was impersonating a character of Bear's and Cat's called Annalise (I don't know how to spell it)  Haha I was Cat and Bear's little was a very interesting experience seeing as Cat hits me a lot.....I hit her's both of ours fault :P

Hmm that's all I can think of for now....and I am exhausted so I'll have to say good byee and hope you like our blog! :)

 And by the way, folks, as you may have realized, this is me in my new makeover form. I got it while posting this blog!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bear is Back, Baby!

Try saying that title five times fast! (If you're one of the dunce's like me who actually tried that, you'll notice it's not actually that hard to say)

So, it's me Bear (as I'm sure you figured out), and I was told by Monkey to make a post! Sorry, Mon-Mon that you told me to make it around one in the afternoon, and it's almost six now…

I almost didn't write this post, because I couldn't think of anything to write about! But here I am, and my fingers are flying across the keyboard, so I suppose I'm writing SOMETHING!

Now, since me and the other two Essential Animals don't really have a plan for this blog, maybe whoever is reading this (aka, YOU!) could give us some ideas? I was thinking maybe something about memories or interesting things that happen during our day?

If you're curious about my day, well, let's just say I spent it researching and writing about space history! That's how exciting I am!

While I'm sitting here, drumming my fingers against the keyboard, wondering what to write about, I was just suddenly struck by an inane mental picture! I could weirdly imagine Steve (Our Tamoner) creeping up behind me as I sit at my desk! I had to resist the urge to whip around and check if he is actually there.

So, I asked Cat what I should tell the world about in my post, and she suggested the weird words that randomly get stuck in my head! I've had four so far! Completely random, probably made-up words!

I'll start with the very first one! Hyakunin. Don't tell me where it sprouted from! Just one day, I was sitting at my desk (not unlike right now) when the word popped into my head! A few days after that, I was watching anime (can't remember which one, sorry) when I heard 'Hyakunin' in the opening theme song! The song was in Japanese, so I'm not quite sure what it means! But I feel I should look into it!

Number two! Shenron. SSHHHEEEEENRRRROOONNN! Sorry, I felt the need to drag the word out slowly and loudly! So, I have an idea about this one! As to how it randomly came into my brain, well, who knows!? I'm a big DragonBall and DragonBall Z fan, and everybody knows that the dragon is named Shenlong! Well, little and more hearing-impared me used to think that his name was indeed Shenron! So, there's that one for ya!

Next comes Mufliato…. I don't have much to say about this, actually. Monkey (who is a big Harry Potter geek) thinks it sounds like a spell name! But, eh! What do I know!?

Numero four has now arrived! I'm not ashamed to say that number four will not be my limit. I will most likely be greeted by other random words sometime in the near future! If you'd like to hear back from me about my soon-to-be new words, tell me in the comments below! Anyway, getting to the subject; Yakisoba. It sounds like some kind of Japanese noodle or something! Maybe it's a mangaka's name? It could also possibly be a car!

Now, I'm afraid my post is getting a little to long! But if you happen to know what any of these words ACTUALLY mean, please let me know! I'd love to hear about it!

Tamoner and Tabby!

Ta-Tabby, Mon-Monkey, Er-Bear.

That's right folks, this is 'Cat' speaking now and I'm brought to you by the Tamoner! If anyone in this meager audience is wondering what in the world it a Tamoner, well, I'll explain! Look up ^^ No, farther up, yeah, there, that's it! Right up there in our logo! That's a Tamoner! It's a cross reference between the Essential Animals, and also, created by non other than moi. His name is Steve, and he is my little Tamoner.

Now, let me explain a little bit about my dear self. I am the Tabby Cat. Why might you ask? Good question. Tabby Cats are orange, correct? Well, to put it simply, I have orange hair. More correctly, I have Strawberry Blonde hair. But, let's not get too technical. As well as this fact, I love to sleep, I must get to much (You could probably find me some nights passed out, belly up on the couch, waiting for that scratch from someone.) I also don't like going outside that much. And to add onto that, I like birds. They are delicious. I am just joking, birds aren't for me. As well, I have been told by fellow feline friends, that I 'creep' on people. Don't ask me how they got this, just go with the flow. I have also been told I am accident prone. Unfortunatly, I am not a cat in this area, such as I never land on my feet in anything.

And I guess, gosh darn it, I have nothing else to say. I had this all planned out in my head for an intricate way of speaking to you all! Well, I guess I will leave you all to suffer until one of our next posts... Until then, I will take Steve and we will eat Bear! Farewell :)

Sadly, I think Bear will get out of this alive, and without a scratch. On a good note, I (Cat - who wasn't in the previous pictures because I am a scardy cat) was completely unharmed.

Well now it's Monkey! :3

Why hello there!

Thanks for visiting us! We appreciate it!

Well you've now met Bear, I am Monkey :) Well I get the second post eh? That's not so bad .

Well I share this with Tabby Cat, who I will either call Cat or just Tabby for short, and Grizzly Bear who will be called Bear by me. :D

Well according to Cat and Bear I am most like a Monkey.... Well I have darkish brown hair....the following are reasons done by Bear and Cat : I'm always hyper, energetic. I'm lovable (that one made me smile :) ) My hair is the same colour, I'm really protective (well....yeah....I am....I'm also really stubborn!) and I am very strong

Well those are some reasons if you were wondering....:)
Umm some of my hobbies are, swimming, roller blading, reading, drawing,  writing, talking with friends, making up new characters, hanging out with friends......that's all I can think of now......

Our blog won't be as funny as Hyperbole and a Half but maybe we'll be up there! Ahaha! Anyways I think we are planning just to post really when we want to which will probably be a lot, cause there's three of us. Then just say a few interesting things that happened that day.....

Today I played Final Fantasy for about six hours....that's about as exciting as I am.....though I am the only person who would run down the halls in high school as Bear says.....

Alrighty well I'll bid you all goodbye now, and thanks for reading this far :)
The Essential Animals really appreciate you stopping to read and hoped you found it good, well till next time good byee :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bear, Cat and Monkey!

Near, far! Up, down! Here, there!

Where ever you might be, and whoever you are, hello and thanks for visiting our blog!

This is Bear here! (Actually, I'm a Grizzly Bear) And I'm making the VERY FIRST BLOG! Aren't I a lucky duck?! 

Okay, so I'm here to tell all you confused people about our names! I'm Bear, and I've got two other GREAT friends of whom I share this blog with! They are Monkey and Tabby Cat! 

We chose to use animals as our names or alias's because it'll be a cool way to make this blog seem like a new world to us. I think it'll be a great way to escape the real world, even if we ARE writing about it! Our names represent our personalities and appearances. For instance, I stagger around a lot, keep quiet, have brown, bear-coloured hair, and become somewhat dormant during the winter. Just like a grizzly bear!

I'll let Monkey and Cat explain for themselves why they have the names they have!

Okay, we resolved that when we are talking about ALL of us, we will refer to us as The Essential Animals! (That almost became our blog name! But that's another story) And you may as well! Instead of saying "I was reading a blog by Bear, Monkey and Cat!" You can say "I was reading a blog by the Three Essential Animals!" Now, doesn't that sound cooler?

So, we decided to write a blog, after reading Hyperbole And A Half! A WONDERFUL blog written by an amazing person named Allie! We are also stealing the idea of pictures from her! (Sorry, hope you don't mind, Allie!) 

Now, I probably won't be drawing most of the pictures, seeing as how I don't have a Paint program on my computer, so most of the drawings you will see will be done by Monkey or Cat! 

Okay, so I don't want you to waste your life away reading this first blog of mine, so I'm going to cut it short here. Thanks for reading this far, and I hope you'll stay with us!