I come to you today with my two favorite words. They are in the title, and I refuse to write them again because they are impossible to write but fun to say. Which, my dear blog readers, is why they are my favorite words.
Now, I realize that, in my previous posts, there has not been on single picture of myself. So, I bring you a picture I had drawn of myself earlier today. Right there, underneath all of these fantastic words.
Now, that is myself. Unfortunatly, my whiskers look kind of funny. And I don't think I'm striped enough, but that's alright, I'll be unique :) I will be sure to keep you posted with my pictures. That is, if I really feel the need to draw anything of myself. Because, I'd rather talk about Steve! Because Steve is a lot more interesting than I am, and he read a book today.
So, I bring you Steve reading. He is wearing his reading glasses, and the book has no title. It is written by no body, on a non-exsisting date. Which actually makes me very suspicious.Who knows what's in that book of his. Could be completely empty, for all I know! So, In the mean time, I will be checking up on Steve, since he IS still reading. In fact, he's sitting in my most comfy chair, taking it up for himself when I could be sitting in it. Very sad, my friends.
SO! Now that is covered, I bring to you my new relitivly segment, shoutouts! Today, it goes to our new followers! I will not say names, as you can look for yourself. Honestly, I screamed when I found out we were being followed. I feel so famous!
Seriously, I just had a mental picture of me trying to do math. As a cat. Which I am, so I thought it would be really funny. So I've decided to come and share it with you. I even drew a picture for you! (This will be the rare occasion that I draw a picture of my self. In fact, now I've included TWO pictures of me in ONE post! Wow!)
And I'll let you know, I almost uploaded this photo with out whiskers on my face. How silly would I have looked? I could have almost looked lik Steve! How amazing!